Educational Publishing & Services

Innovative Answers to Education's Persistent Problems

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Persistent Problem #1
College Readiness

The majority of high school graduates go on to college; at the same time, studies show that most students entering college are not ready for college-level academics. As a result, too many must take remedial courses. Too many fail to earn their degree within six years. Too many grow frustrated and drop out. In response to this persistent problem, we’re finding ways to help more students prepare for the academic work, and the academic culture, they will encounter in college. We start with writing, since writing is the skill most linked to college success. Our flagship course, College-Ready Writing Essentials, is designed specifically to bridge the instructional gap between high school and college, giving aspiring college students the skills and confidence they need for early success.


College-Ready Writing Essentials—Online Writing Program for K12, Higher Ed, and Home  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Persistent Problem #2
College Success

There is a fundamental matching problem in college admissions. Students look for colleges they’re prepared for and that they can afford. Colleges and universities, in turn, seek recruits who fit their student profiles and are likely to complete their degrees. Persistent mismatches happen because there is no efficient way for colleges to connect with best-fit students, no easy way for students to find and apply to colleges that believe in their potential. We’re working on a platform that not only prepares students for college academics but matches them with colleges that are looking for students just like them.

Persistent Problem #3
College Access

A college education is still the key to higher lifetime income, still the primary means by which people pull themselves out of poverty and realize their full potential. Yet, college appears out of reach for many students—whether because they can’t afford it, aren’t prepared for it, or suspect they’re not welcome. We’re committed to helping under-served students see college as an option within their reach and helping them gain the skills and confidence they need to succeed. We believe in providing top-quality college prep instruction to students who don’t take AP courses, who are first-generation college goers, who come from disadvantaged places, who have abilities and potentials that aren’t reflected in standardized test scores. Our long-term vision puts college on the horizon of possibility for more students —no matter their income or background.

Persistent Problem #4
Early Education

The American school system fails too many students; as a result, it fails America. Students graduate from high school under-prepared for college, for work, for citizenship. The core of the problem lies in our schools’ inability to instill in students a coherent body of foundational knowledge and skills that builds sequentially year-by-year. Many years ago, an approach to education centered on Greek and Roman classics produced generations of thoughtful leaders who shared a common body of knowledge, references, and ideas. The classics may no longer be as relevant as they once were, but the concept of organizing primary and secondary education around a coherent body of ideas, history, and values is still a good one. Our idea is to build a K12 curriculum around America— it’s history, values, institutions, and culture—so that, by the time they graduate from high school, students are deeply knowledgeable about their own culture and country. They’re prepared to exercise the full rights of their citizenship. They’re ready to assume positions of responsibility and to think critically about the society and world around them. Most importantly, they’re equipped to ensure the continuation of a robust, vibrant, democratic America.


Because we believe that finding solutions in education entails thinking and communicating BETTER with one another, encouraging the collaborative problem-solving abilities of a community of passionate RHETORS, who are prepared and eager to reason, speak, argue, decide, and do. That’s the kind of community we want to be part of!

Rebecca Bryant

CEO & Co-Founder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eu magna ac sapien bibendum suscipit. Fusce vestibulum fermentum nulla et vehicula.

William Bryant, PhD

President & Co-Founder

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Walker Bryant


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The Bryants

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We believe we can do BETTER.

Prescott AZ info

Our Mission

BetterRhetor is dedicated to putting a college degree within reach of more students, regardless of their income or background.

Our Values


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vitae hendrerit ligula, non tristique massa. Maecenas odio diam, semper sit amet sodales non posuere ac urna.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vitae hendrerit ligula, non tristique massa. Maecenas odio diam, semper sit amet sodales non posuere ac urna.